Affairs on the Internet.
- Elissa Doherty reports
- Source: The Sunday Telegraph
- December 02, 2010
Keep your affairs off the Net
INTERNET dating sites are now being used as weapons in divorce cases.
The Law Institute of Victoria says warring couples are increasingly using social romance websites as evidence, which can impact the split up of assets.
"It has been argued in court that the person wasn't in fact in the relationship at the time they said... and financial contributions they made," Institute President elect Caroline Counsel said.
"If proven that one person was not in the relationship and therefore not contributing financially, it could potentially reduce that party's entitlement to those post separation acquired assets."
The separation date with de factos or same sex couples can, in certain cases, end up being critical to which court, State or Federal, divides the assets.........
Chris Dawson, director of relationship counsellors Humaneed, said concerns about cheating on social networking sites was an issue for about 50 per cent of the he sees.
"It does make it more accessible," he said "It's a common discovery method. It may just be an emotional affair... but a betrayal is a betrayal."
This is an excerpt only; Link to the original article.