Humaneed Improving life on the planet - one relationship at a time Improving life on the planet - one relationship at a time

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Our Vision

Improving life on the planet.....
                        one relationship at a time.

A vision is an ideal so far in the distance so as not to be achieved in the near term, but so inspiring that people never stop trying.


We believe that our vision can be realized by giving our best efforts and attention to  just one relationship at a time. 


The essence of our work is captured in this story.


 A young girl was trying to rescue thousands of starfish washed ashore by throwing them back into the ocean, one at a time.


She was stunned when a man stopped and asked her: "Why are you doing this' 


You can't possibly make a difference

by saving all these starfish."


She was deflated for a moment and then she bent down, picked up a starfish and hurled it back to the ocean with all her might.


She then looked up straight into the man's eyes and replied: "Well, I made a difference to that one."






