Pre Marriage Workshop FAQ's
Our relationship is really good, will we still benefit from the session?

1. Who are the premarriage sessions for?
Couples who are about to marry or who have recently married. The course is primarily for couples aged in their 20s and 30's where this is their first marriage.
It must be the first marriage for at least one of the participants and no greater than a second marriage for the other.
We stress that this is not a test for marriage and compatibility, we assume that your relationship is strong and you don't have any big worries or issues.
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2. What are the benefits of attending these sessions?
The primary purpose of this course is to ensure you are both on the same page and aligned in shaping your married life together. To develop an understanding that marriage is a team effort.
We will equip you with the resources and skills that you need as a couple to strengthen your marriage. This discussion infuses gender relevant tools and techniques into interactive, skill-building activities.
Gain valuable insights into what people who have been married 20 years wished that they had known right from the start. "We wish someone had told us......"
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3. How many couples attend each session?
The sessions are conducted privately with the specialist marriage counsellor and you as a couple.
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4 . Who facilitates these sessions ?
One of our experts in Marriage and Relationship Counselling who understands the positives and pitfalls of relationships. Humaneed is an independent organisation with no affiliation with any religious groups.
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Our relationship is really good, will we still benefit from the premarriage session?
Yes. We know you have a happy relationship and you want to stay that way. You both know that everyone needs to learn relationship skills and it is better to gain the insights early and prevent problems from developing in the first place. This session is about relationship skills education, not therapy.
Everything that a great relationship has....... can be learned.
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What is the cost of these session?
This investment in your future marriage is well worth the cost. The one off, two hour premarriage session is $300.00, as a couple. This course does not attract GST.
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Are these sessions accepted by the Catholic Church?
Yes, These sessions are accepted by the Catholic Church as an option for premarriage counselling. We are happy to provide a certificate of attendance on request.
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