Pre Marriage Education
For couples before marriage and newly weds...
"You have potential to enrich your marriage
more than you can ever imagine"

You know your relationship will weather the storm because of the love you have for each other, but you
are also realistic enough to know that life happens.
Even with the best of intentions misunderstanding
and disagreements can be part of the marriage mix.
These one off, two hour Pre Marriage sessions,
"Marriage Essentials"
are for couples who are
about to get married or who have recently married.
Get insights for the essentials to keep a marriage happy.
Find out what will make a difference if things get tough.
You are both in love and want to ensure that
your commitment is life long.
Our PreMarriage Sessions are designed to build on
and enhance your relationship skills.
Melbourne Offices 1. North Fitzroy
2. Malvern East
Brisbane Offices 1. Clayfield
2. Capalaba
These are designed as a one off 2 (two) hour sessions.
Occasionally, a shorter 2nd session may be required.
Per Session as a Couple : $300.00
No GST applicable
For enquiries and bookings,
Please call 1300 48 62 63
Sessions available week days and weekends
See our Contact Page
This Course is accepted by Catholic Church - A Certificate is provided
upon request.
* The format is slightly different at the Brisbane locations.

This session is a little 'insurance' for your relationship
for Locations...Marriage Counselling in Melbourne