Stephanie & Dave,
3yo & 40yo, together 4 years
"We were having the same argument about the same things, and it had been getting more upsetting.
We hadn't been able to figure out the one thing that we needed to focus on to solve our problems until we came to relationship counselling"
Nikki & Tom,
34 & 36yo, together 7 years, 3 year old son
"From these relationship counselling sessions, I've learnt that it's better to tell each other how you are feeling about something negative as soon as you feel it so that it doesn't grow inside you"
Melinda & Greg,
both 40's, married 11 years, 4 children
"I so wanted to be on my own with the kids, and get on with my life.
I was really lonely in this relationship, but now, I am so happy being married, and calling him my husband.
The trust and safety of the other is so wonderful. I really had reached the end. I was so frustrated by our conflict, but what marriage counselling has shown me is that there are skills to get around the conflict, and then deal with the real issues."

Mike & Jenna,
31yo and 30yo, married, 8mo baby
"I now take it on board instead of feeling picked on when she is talking to me"
36yo, father of two school aged children,
married 10years
"We now know how to deal with the kids and be on the same page with each other"
38yo, married 6 years, 4 year old son.
"Until now I couldn't see why my wife was angry at me and I couldn't see why I was angry with her.
But after coming to these counselling sessions a few times, it all makes sense now, which means we can now do something constructive about our problems rather than just being angry with each other"
27yo, together 2 years
"I've noticed now that I don't get angry straight away. I don't get on the defensive anymore. My first reaction used to be to get my back-up straight away."
Sally & Sam,
36yo and 42yo, married 7 years
"It was very beneficial to both my husband and I to be able to discuss our relationship with the support of the counsellor. It's given us a lot to consider and discuss in regard to the strategies and tools we currently draw upon to deal with our difficulties.
We have booked in another session - as we are committed in working towards improving the current status of our marriage"
Jason & Leah,
41yo and 33yo, expecting a baby
"I didn't like the person I was, I worked on myself so I could be the sort of person that I wanted to be. I learnt what my wife meant to me and the marriage we had."
David & Amanda,
married couple in their early mid 50's,
4 young adult children
"We've had 20 years of experi encing the same problem. And the last session was a real eyeopener for us"
28yo, professional couple, no children
"I'm now trying to deal with things and face problems rather than trying to ignore them."
45yr, married 7 years, 2 children
"It's been a big shift, me coming here and learning about my own behaviour."
Trevor & Ana,
44yo, married, 3 children
"The fighting affected our ability to be loving and trusting of each other. The quality of the relationship affected my feelings about myself, my health, my mind and the amount of time I could invest in healthy thinking.
It completely affected my job because I couldn't give good time or thought to it as I was so consumed with the problems we were having. That's completely turned around since we started counselling"
Liz & Stuart,
36yo & 37yo, marrie
d 8 months
"It had gone past a normal fight. It had become just hatred of each other. But now we are no longer fighting and are talking much better with each other"