What We Offer
One of the few constants in the world is our basic human-need for a relationship based on trust, love, intimacy, loyalty, fidelity, commitment, meaning and purpose.
Surprisingly, few people know how to achieve this and all too frequently allow problems within the relationship to continue unresolved leading to relationship breakdown.
Marriage Counselling
Our primary service is to help couples resolve areas of difficulty, like conflict and communication or where there is a feeling of being stuck.
Even though relationships are important many people forget to put time and effort into nurturing them. Life becomes busy, there are the pressures of work, finances are often a worry or perhaps you have children taking up a lot of your time and energy.
Relationship counselling helps work out where the real problems are and creates clarity and understanding. New relationship skills are learned along the way. Counselling will get your relationship back to feeling good again.
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Individual Counselling
There is often a need to get support personally in regards to relationship issues. For instance, there may be issues from the past that are impacting on your relationship today.
You can work on these issues in concert with couples counselling. Individual counselling is useful when one partner is either unable to attend or may have refused to attend.
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Intensive Relationship Counselling
This is for couples who are in crisis and want to maintain the focus and energy to resolve serious issues quickly. These intensive sessions stick to the process until reaching a mutually agreeable point of resolution
They are longer, going for three hours each meeting, and are held on two consecutive days. We are available Saturday and Sundays as well as weekdays for this option.
Because your relationship is at a critical point we ensure that your booking is made as soon as possible.
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360 Degree Marriage Review
Couples will spotlight strengths
as well as areas for development and change
their marriage
resulting in precise information they can act on.
The 360 degree marriage review results in couples moving towards shared goals more quickly.
Preventing tomorrows problems...today.
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Phone and Skype Counselling
CALL (03) 9817 7723
Telephone or SKYPE
Ideal for remote and rural and isolated couples.
to arrange a telephone counselling session during business hours EST.
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Pre Marriage Education
For couples planning to marry. Discover the essentials for a long and happy marriage. We have developed a special 2 hour 'one counsellor-one couple' course especially for premarriage education. This course has become so popular, it is now the only one we offer.
There are 8 -10 key issues discussed relating to marriage and the future. We know that things are really good and you just want that little bit of insurance.
It is the best way to prepare for the rest of your lives together.
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